Women of Living Water

A ministry of Women meeting at the Well! Who we are in Christ and everyday life following Him!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Walking on Water??

God is sooooo Good! Saturday, I stood on in the bed of our truck looking out over a see of faces.... hungry faces.......I was blown away. ~~ Little history~~ About 6 months ago we had a church contact us.. Saying "we have a problem..... our congregation is too rich." My hubby being the honest man he is said "Wish we had that kind of problem!" and laughed. This outreach pastor for the "too rich" church went on to explain how his kids were hungry to really "do something". They had sheds full of tools(spiritual).. All sharp, new and ready to use.. From all the discipleship classes, the missions training... and the studies on being "Christ’s hands and feet.".... Yet it seemed that the parents in this "too rich" church....wanted the sheds full, but locked so they couldn’t really be used. He went on to explain that something was changing in that church.... and over 200 kids, Jr High and High School’ers were given permission to put all that they have learned to work!---- So a few months later after some major planning...Phase 1: "too rich" came down and became homeless for a long weekend.... They had to trade in their clothing and was given some from 2nd hand store.. They slept in cardboard boxes with blankets outside (privacy fenced in... but still it was in the heart of the city and the sounds are scary enough!) The next day they had to "find food"... On our office porch was a bag of cheetos with a note "Moms done cashed in the food stamps for crack... this is all that’s left in the cabinet for you and your baby brothers... Have a good breakfast before school" They had to "look" for a place to go to the bathroom, to find food, to stash their stuff so some other homeless person didn’t take it, or carry it with them... they went on block (Saturday~Adopt A Block)with us.. hearing the stories of each house seeing a whole different side of what some kids wake up to every morning... They were so thankful, humbled, and in LOVE with the calling God had placed in their young hearts.. That following Sunday.~~~~
Anyway.... This weekend I stood there, with our Ministry building that God gave us behind me- abandon for years, neglected, vandalized, and old..........Before me stood life... young, "too rich", fresh, on fire, eager and hungry to experience God in His most magnificent..... loving on those who are lost. The sea of over 300 faces looked up at us as my husband spoke... The crowd practically hummed in anticipation... The teams were separated.. Group leaders assigned, and ½ sent to the street to do Block and trash pickup, for the morning.... then to switch to clean out the
old Church building.... All day, I watched young and old come out... get dirty and work... we had
girls in "cute"stylish little out fits, heels, and perfect hair.... scraping gunk off the basement floor with shovels, smiling the whole time....... boys with varsity jackets on hugging little filthy kids from the streets with sadness in their eyes having never seen children who walk around in a daze while their moms yelling and drinking, their dads gone and dogs scrounging around for food just as hard as they do. A reality was found that day of hard work, of love...... Groups after groups of kids.... parents...... teachers..... came forward and said "I never knew." I saw that same fire, that same determination in them that I felt that first day I got a glimpse of what being "Gods hands and Feet" was really about... How some days I walk away and wonder... who got blessed more? Them or me?.... One girl that hit me, humbled me and showed me how I needed to grow was the girl in the wheelchair.... she was from a "well to do" family...... had the coolest wheelchair I had ever seen... great clothes, and in her eyes I saw something that was amazing... She had Christ all over her! Here she was, in the cold, hour and half away from home, and picking up trash from the street with a smile on her face. In the church she worked, scraped, carried, did everything she could possibly do and more... She served. I thought about how many times I thought, I don’t have time, I have my family to look out for, I need to do this... or that.... what can "I possibly do?"....Yet here this teenager... gave it all! Talk about coming out of their comfort zones! Gods gonna bless that! I don’t ever want it to become "Oh, I always do that– I do street ministry every week.. Feed the hungry.. Yada- yada....." Nope... I want to keep pushing.... keep stepping out of that comfort zone.. Go to the next level... Walk on water.


  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Wow! That is an amazing story, Corina. What an experience for those kids. Life changing for some of them, I bet. Sometimes I think it's too bad more of us don't get to experience life like that, to increase our compassion, to see others through Jesus' eyes, to see how truly blessed we are.

    Thanks for posting this.


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