Women of Living Water

A ministry of Women meeting at the Well! Who we are in Christ and everyday life following Him!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year

Today is the 3rd day of a brand new year... How refreshing!
I am excited about what God has in store for this year! Already this year it feels "different" not sure how to describe it other than say that its like a lid has been lifted off of a boiling pot. Remember when Grandma or mom use to fix homeade Chicken and dumpling? You could hear the bubbling, everynow and then a little would bubble around the lid, the closer it got to getting done you could start to really smell the teasing of what was to come. It seemed that it took forever and you were just starved by the time the lid was lifted and a big bowl was dipped out in front of you. That is what this year is reminding me of.. That the bowl is now infront of me, I can see, smell, and taste this delicious feast laid before me. While writing this I had to smile.... Thinking, just like me since this weekend of non stop eating to use a food to describe my feelings... And that quickening inside of me tells me that He has placed the bowl infront of me, I can see it, smell it, and I need to wait for HIM to cool it enough for me to taste. Isn't that so like us though?? You know it is too hot, mom even warns you, yet you cant help but try to blow on it yourself, and try it immediately! Scorching your tongue. I have to keep praying that I don't walk before the Lord, but in ALL things obey Him and His timing!
Another little insight thought.......... When I wasn't eating this weekend I was hearing football......... I am curious to see how God uses that! :-) I have to admit, I sure did do a lot of praying while dutifully sitting next to my husband who pulled out the "I prayed for a wife who would watch football with me".... Maybe there is something there?? I stared at the screen watching colors run around, watched the faces of those captivated on the couches, and praised God that I have a family of football nuts to love. I am proud of myself I sat thru the game. I am figuring God and I will be really close by the time football season is over.


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